Clinical Records Prevent Criminal Records. Do Dentistry, Not Time.

By Middlesex District Dental Society (other events)

Wednesday, April 10 2024 6:00 PM 9:00 PM EST

Middlesex District Dental Society presents

Clinical Records Prevent Criminal Records. Do Dentistry, Not Time.

Speaker:  Dr Roy Shelburne

Date:  Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Time:  6:00 pm Registration
6:30 Dinner
7:00-9:00 Lecture/Presentation

Event Overview
Dr. Shelburne went to prison on August 20, 2008 and was released on May 14, 2010 and learned a series of lessons the hard way.  There are ways to protect and defend a dental practice and to prevent what happened to him from happening to you.

Know that if it's not in your clinical record, you didn't see it, you didn't say it, you didn't do it, it didn't need to be done, and it doesn't exist....from the legal perspective. To be prepared for any challenge the whole dental team must be careful, concise, complete, and diligent, not just the doctor because the whole team is potentially at risk.  Learning and implementing this no-nonsense team approach to record keeping could mean the difference between success and failure in the event of an action or challenge to your practice and will result in maximum legitimate reimbursement.

Course Objectives

  • To have fun while learning
  • To understand that what you don’t know can hurt you and that ignorance is no excuse
  • To learn to assimilate and maintain records that can both protect and defend.
  • Understand the necessity of due diligence and how to conduct records review and internal audits to ensure accuracy and excellence

Speaker Bio

Dr. Shelburne graduated from the University of Virginia with a double major in Biology and Religious Studies in 1977. He went on to graduate with honors from Virginia Commonwealth University’s Dental School and opened a private general practice in Pennington Gap, Virginia, in 1981. He has served as Secretary/Treasurer and President for Southwest Virginia’s Component 6 of the Virginia Dental Association and as a delegate to the Virginia Dental Association’s Annual Meeting. He and his family have served as short-term volunteer missionaries with the Baptist Medical Dental Missions International and on various Mission of Mercy projects in Virginia.  In March 2008, Dr. Shelburne surrendered his dental license after being convicted of healthcare fraud and spent 19 months in Federal Prison and 2 months in a halfway house.  Dr. Shelburne continues to volunteer for various dental mission projects in Virginia, has spoken at various national, state, and local dental meetings, provides board order remediation for doctors in the “cross hairs”, and coaches private dental practices, helping them to maximize legitimate reimbursement as well as identify their areas of vulnerability and to implement systems that protect and defend. He shares with his dental audiences about his mistakes, what he learned as a result, and how to avoid them.  “It is a wise man who learns from his mistakes, but a wiser man still that learns from another’s.

Dr. Shelburne has no financial conflict to disclose.

For more information contact Sarah Pilling at MDS. (508) 449-6012 or [email protected]

Middlesex District Dental Society